LinkedIn Events - Planning a Professional Event Made Easy

Getting the word out on your upcoming event just got easier thanks to LinkedIn’s new feature LinkedIn Events. We are just a few days into the launch in English speaking countries, but are already loving some of the features.

LinkedIn Events gives users the ability to create, manage and join professional gatherings. Users can invite connections, have conversations with other attendees and stay connected after the event wraps up. LinkedIn Events can be private, can include event update notifications, and offer my favorite feature: the ability to search and filter connections in order to invite the right attendees.

In the pilot program, members noted a boost in attendance and awareness of the event, in addition to 2nd tier connections joining the event.

As a member of LinkedIn, you’ll also be able to search for events you wish to attend.

According to LinkedIn’s data, the chances of people accepting connection requests on LinkedIn increase 2X if they have attended a face-to-face meeting. LinkedIn Events are a great way to nurture relationships in the real world!